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Showing posts from December, 2021

Ensure the metrics in your business case line up with what can be reported on in the SaaS/Cloud Application.

With so many different "Software as a Service" (aka SaaS or Cloud) vendors vying for your hard-earned dollar, it’s encouraging to see the ongoing shift in mentality from one of features/functions to value/ROI. The creation of the “Customer Success Manager” role at SaaS companies in the past decade or so is evidence of this. Think about the various productivity, marketing automation, contract management, identity management and hundreds of other SaaS solutions that are out there. More than likely in your search to automate key processes/functions, you’ve had to make a choice between one and "X" number of these providers.  Interestingly though, the focus on value realization doesn’t always equate to what can actually be reported on within the application. This is especially important when it comes to quantifying your ROI and other key metrics that influence the price you paid for the solution in the first place. Great that you were shown a customer success story

Look before you leap. Some things to consider before you make your next SaaS purchase.

Subscribing to a new application shouldn’t be taken lightly. Often these innovative solutions are integral to how your organization will operate, from internal team collaboration to how you engage with external stakeholders.    Given their importance, it’s unfortunate that a large percentage of digital transformation initiatives which rely on said SaaS applications fail (i.e. poor implementation, ill-planned/supported change management, little/no ROI, unhappy users/stakeholders etc.). Examples of this are prevalent in large corporations , but still provide important lessons for organizations of all sizes.  With that, be sure to deeply consider the following key activities before jumping into that next SaaS purchase.  Have you created a very clear business case that explains the problem(s) being faced and the impact they are having on the organization (i.e. financially, perceptionally, increased risk etc.)? This is the first and most important step. It should be as thorough as possi

An Advisory Based on Lived Experience in Tech

This marks our (re)entry into the world of technology consultancy/advisory. Exciting times indeed!  With experiences spanning I.T. infrastructure administration, mobility solutions and cloud applications/services, we know our background could certainly help various type of organizations (with a preference for nonprofits ) that have, or are about to, embark on their technology journey/transformation.  Technology is an enabler to help get tangible things done more efficiently and effectively, as such, we’ve setup our advisory services to reflect this mindset in a phased approach:  1. The Operational Enhancements advisory is a way to explore what actually needs to be optimized in your organization, and how to go about doing so with the support of technology.  2. The SaaS Subscription Assistance advisory is there to help ensure that business focused cloud applications you subscribe to deliver the desired outcomes and value your organization requires.  3. Finally, the I.T. Project Outsour