What is your organizations name worth? Something, right? You’ve spent time, energy, effort and dollars to grow your organization while showcasing the great work it’s doing. This is the reason why SaaS/Cloud technology providers often include contract clauses that permit them to use your name as a reference, both internally (i.e. sales training etc.) as well as externally (i.e. to win business with new customers, analyst reports or even on earnings calls etc.). To the technology provider, there is value in being able to speak freely about the various customers that have purchased their solution. In certain cases, there can sometimes be an unwanted onus (real or imagined) put on the customer to fulfill requirements for reference calls. For those renewing an existing technology subscription; if you’re unhappy with the solution or a particular portion of it, this can make for an awkward discussion. The point here is to be transparent and discuss clauses like this upfront. ...