Newer models of cloud software pricing are emerging that do a better job at associating the cost of the software with the customer's value/KPI's. A good example of this is usage-based pricing (aka UBP). This trumps the typical user-based pricing options that still dominate the market, in which the focus is on the number of users in your organization that can log in to the software with a username and password. To some degree, it makes a lot of sense. The more people using the platform, the more demands put on the cloud platform itself such as storage, integrations, throughput, security etc. etc. (*Note that while it is an important factor, I’m conveniently leaving out the benefits associated with economies of scale for the cloud vendor as they increase the number of users using their software). So the traditional model of user-based pricing made sense initially when cloud software was somewhat new and vendors were trying to figure out a way to grow t...