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Crystal Ball Time - TechSoup Western Canada Session on 2022 Tech Trends

On Jan 12th, we had the opportunity to kick off the TechSoup Connect Western Canada session on Tech Trends for 2022. Our opening 5-minute window focused on the growing requirement to quantifiably prove the ROI of your spend on SaaS/Cloud (something we recently posted about here). We titled our presentation, “Quantifying Your Desired Outcomes from Investments in SaaS/Cloud”. It’s an area that is near and dear to our hearts which is why we’ve developed an advisory service offering focused on supporting non-profits and SMB’s with creating and managing mutually beneficial contractual relationships with SaaS/Cloud providers. 


Remember, those that are unable to quickly prove that they have achieved their KPI’s/Metrics/Required Outcomes from their investment in a technology solution, will be in for some challenging internal conversations the next time budgets are revisited, particularly if/when leadership changes and/or key stakeholders have different perspectives on what processes and solutions should take priority as part of a Digital Transformation journey. 


Note:  Don’t just stop after the short presentation from yours truly, there are a wealth of other 5-minute presentations from various specialists on topics related to AI Ethics, Video Marketing, Information Security, User Experience and a host of others. Learn/Enjoy!


